The 12th Indian Science Communication Congress (ISCC-2012)

A fine blend of scientific knowledge and scientific bent of mind improves living and thinking standards of people and thereby help empower the society. Effective science communication is the most important tool for sustainable development. Most of the rural and urban communities are shadowed by superstitions and are poised to several risks of imbalanced developmental concerns. In the era of globalization, sustainable development is possible with use of latest technological applications affordable to the common man. Bridging the digital divide through ICT applications, social innovations, and creative solutions are the most important factors that can be achieved by means of sustained science and technology communication for a balanced development. Application of science and its utility are needed to be percolated deeper into the grass root level. Youths must be empowered through innovative technological skills to combat developmental risks. The increasing public concerns on emerging issues in genetically modified organisms, nuclear energy, climate change, clinical trials, industrial hazards, etc., need to be addressed with fair, honest, and factual scientific understanding; this entire concept opens up a yet another area of science communication, i.e. “Risk Communication & Development”, which is the focal theme of ISCC-2012.
Sub Themes:
The deliberations may cover a wide range of sub themes, such as: Communication for Sustainable Development; Awareness of Genetically Modified Organisms; Public Appreciation of Nuclear Energy; Public Understanding of Health Risks; Environmental Risks and Communication Strategies; Public Misunderstanding of Superstitions; Preparedness for Disasters - Natural and Human; Risk Communication and Mass Media; Scientific Temper and Risk Management, etc.
ISCC Format:
The technical sessions will have presentation of contributory research papers, review papers, survey analyses, case studies, posters, and invited talks. Discussions in split groups would offer close exchange of thoughts and ideas. Deliberations will be in English and/ or in Hindi. The prescribed time for paper presentation will be around 10 minutes (7 minute for presentation + 3 minute for discussion). Power Point presentation facility will be available. Best paper awards would be given in junior and senior categories. Selected papers can be published in Indian Journal of Science Communication <
Who can participate?
Some 200 researchers and practitioners of science communication, i.e. scientists, technologists, academicians, writers, journalists, editors, scholars and faculty members, public relations and information officers of scientific organizations, representatives of media, science activists from NGOs, and senior government officials/ policy makers from India and abroad are likely to participate.
Special Features:
A display of science communication products, software materials, a special session for young researchers and students, face to face interaction with experts, open forums and debates on current issues under the focal theme, cultural evenings, and field visit will be some of the attractions of ISCC-2012

Special Themes
Special Themes